Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Battlefields & Blessings

I recently picked up the book Battlefields & Blessings: Stories of Faith and Courage from the War in Irag & Afghanistan and here is a great quote that helps explain what it is that chaplains and MCYM strive to do, and my prayer for myself as I prepare for ministry to military teens:

"Being able to handle the issues of life and death in the context of the eternal is the challenge. It is the work of chaplains and their assistants, and those whom they empower with a living faith. They take care of soldiers with selfless concern, imputing God's love and grace into the most difficult of situations. And then they take care of each other. May God continue to provide such servants to the military forces of our nation, nurturing their faith, strengthening their moral resolve, and lifting their souls toward heaven."
-Chaplain Col. Gene (Chip) Fowler, U.S. Army, Command Chaplain for Combined Joint Task Force 7

Monday, July 19, 2010

Focus on the Family Webcast about MCYM

Focus on the Family recently did an hour long Webcast about military families and the struggles they go through. In the Webcast they interview 2 awesome MCYM/Club Beyond leaders that I know! This is really great information about military families you might not have known before.